What is Behavioral Activation?
Behavioral Activation (BA) is an evidence-based treatment for adults with depression. Our center and others have recently adapted BA treatment for use with adolescents. Our preliminary research suggests that BA may be an especially effective treatment for adolescent depression. BA is based on the idea that we can use our actions and behaviors to influence our emotional state. BA attempts to activate positive emotions by increasing involvement in fulfilling activities and replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones.
What will the study look like for my child?
If eligible, your child will be compensated for their participation with 16 weeks of behavioral activation therapy for depression. The study includes 16 weeks of therapy sessions, two of which are conducted in an fMRI scanner tracking brain activity. They will also participate in three fMRI scans throughout the study involving various behavioral and cognitive tasks completed in the scanner. Between scan sessions, they may be asked to complete daily diary surveys on their phone or tablet.
What is an fMRI? Is it safe?
fMRI machines use magnetic resonance imaging to observe changes in the blood flow of our brains as a way to examine brain activity. Our fMRI scanner is located on Emory’s campus and is operated by trained study staff members. All participants will go through a safety protocol before entering the scanner, and may stop the scanning portions of the study at anytime if they become uncomfortable.
Emory University’s School of Medicine is conducting a clinical trial examining behavioral activation treatment for adolescent depression. We are investigating what treatment works for whom and why, as a way to improve and clarify contemporary treatment for Major Depressive Disorder.
Have more questions?
Please reach out! A member of our team will be happy to talk more with you about our study.
Our contact information can be found on the “How to Get Involved” page of our website.